Thursday, September 16, 2010

Only 1 Doctor for 7582 people in distr. Pali!

Our NEW HOSPITAL PRESENTATION is waiting on you! You can see how far we are in the hospital – thanks to your generous help!
Please click on the front page of our website – button:new presentation – here you can see it –After seeing it you will understand why our medical support in this area of India is so important!
M. Gelhot and me where working many hours to present you this informations and photos.All datas which are given inside - like there is in ditr. Pali only 1 med. doctor for 7582 people where checked very seriously in the data base.
Please help us to spread the message of the Hospital project by showing the presentation to other friends.Thank you.


Our hospital has now already several facilities:
*Emergency with 24 hours services
*OPD for all cases
*General doctors: Dr.Jagdish Bhati and Dr.A.K.Nawal
*Indoor facilities
*Eye department with Dr.Goyal, eye specialist, and Ashok Malviya,opthometrist
*Dental department with Dr.Abishek and team
*Labaratory with modern equipment
Thanks to the excellent managment of M.S.Ghelot and the engagment of all team members we are progressing day by day.
We plan to open the surgery department on 14. of november.
May be you can arrange to come here in this time?It will be a great event and we will be happy to welcome you in the Hospital - as guest of course!

Camps in the villages

Camps are held in the nearby villages – the people get free consultations and medicines . Our Ambulance car with some stuff members and doctors are going with. Every Friday from 9am to 12am we have a mobile camp on different places of Pali district.Tomorrow we will have this mobile camp in a place near Jadan Ashram in an industrial area, for the workers of a steel company.In all this places you can see the health situation of the local population and their life situation, which is not easy at all.

Our activities for EYE PATIENTS IN the Hospital:

In the Hospital we provide also free Camp - we give:
• Free consultation with doctors of different specialties on certain days of the week. Every Saturday Dr.Goyal, eye doctor, give services to all those who have eye problems.
• Screening & selecting patients for eye operations
Now also an ophtalmologist has join us and is here every day.
We have a new Refractometer for exact diagnosis of the eye diseases.
We plan for later on to have our own eye operation theater - only the investment is quite high- but it will come- because we feel the necessity of this medical facility.