Mrs.Phuli Devi is the most joyful person of our staff. She is taking care of the kitchen and preparing the food for all staff members. She is 40 years old, married and has 4 children, 3 boys and 1 daughter. Her husband Narayan Lal, is a painter in our workshop. They are both living in the worker quarter. The oldest son, 21a, is learning pharmacy at Falna(and has to be supported financially) , the other 2 children are students of the Gyan Putra school of the Ashram. The daughter is still unmarried, she finished the 9th school class. Both parents have now to earn the money (appr. 4000 Euros) for her marriage, which is a very high amount for them. Phuli Devi is working since 1,5 years in our hospital and I saw her only smiling day by day. She is for me the sunlight of this big hospital and even we cannot communicate very well it is always a pleasure to see her and feel her positive vibration. Also the food she is preparing for all of us is very good and this has also to do something with her positive and lovingly nature.
I asked her for a statement – so she just told: ‘I love my work and I like to be here. All are nice to me and they appreciate my cooking.’ Thank you Phuli Devi for your services and we wish you a long and happy life!