The adjustment of the Operation theater:
We have to make some construction changes in the OT and we started to do it one week ago.The OT should have a high international standard with all possibilities for several kinds of surgery.
Urgently we need a Sonography machine (app. 16 000 euros) which is needed for the Urologist Surgeon as well as for Gynecologist and General Surgeon. A high quality Anesthesia machine is also required (app.25 000 euros) and other items like 2 defibrillators(4000 E) and 3 monitors(6000 E) for intensive care, as well as a ventilator for artificial respiration (see also what we need in
When the operation theater is ready different Surgeon already confirmed that they will come in the beginning for 1 or 2 days per month to operate here and give their services to the population. That’s a great thing and we are looking forward that this will happen soon!
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