Devkanya is a 17 years old girl from Marvar Junction, living in a farmer family, which is under the poverty line. Since her birth she had on both hands a handicap :the 4th and the 5th finger were not separated(see photo) due to this she could not work properly with her hands. Also she has a big struma (swelling of the thyroid gland). First time I met Devkanya in our Hospital camp in March 2011. She came with her parents searching for help because the family could not effort an operation for her. She was very depressive and I felt very sorry for her. So we tried to help her as much as possible. And really it was possible: on 2th of May 2011 our first operation in Hospital was done on Devkanyas fingers – and it was successful! Dr. Rajesh Vyas , general sergeant, with one Assistant and Anesthetist where operating 60 minutes on her right hand and separated the both joint fingers successfully.Now Devkanya can laugh again! The second hand will be operated some time later. We gave all treatment and operation free to her. Thank you all , dear friends and donors, for supporting this kind of charity activities. We wish Devkanya a happy, healthy and successful life.
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